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5S Workshop Overview

5S, an acronym for “sort, set-in-order, shine, standardize, sustain”, is a simple yet powerful method for transforming the physical workspace.

5S is a simple but highly effective set of techniques that remove waste from your work environment through better workplace organization, visual communication and general cleanliness

The first pillar of 5S helps to clearly distinguish the items needed in a work area from those no longer needed. Red tagging is the activity that eliminates these unneeded items.

The second pillar of 5S helps to keep the needed items in the correct place to allow for easy and immediate retrieval.

The third pillar of 5S helps to keep work areas, all work surfaces and equipment clean and free from dirt, debris, oil, etc.

The fourth pillar of 5S defines the standard activities, procedures, schedules and the persons responsible for helping keep the workplace in a clean and organized.

The last pillar of 5S drives the organization to be disciplined in maintaining these new standards and procedures and in continuously improving the 5S state of the workplace.

Often when we are mapping, we notice that the flow of materials and information is very difficult to determine because of unneeded materials and equipment in the work area, poor work center organization, lack of visual information, and generally dirty working conditions. It is therefore very difficult to make measurable progress unless something is done about these working conditions. This is where our 5S workshop comes into play.

Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to understand and immediately apply the 5S concepts in their own workplace:

Who Should Attend

  • Senior executives
  • Value Stream Managers
  • Managers
  • Engineers
  • Office Staff
  • Front Line Office or Shop Floor Employees


A good understanding of Lean principles and Value Stream Mapping will help to position 5S properly as a tool to improve the workplace.

Lean Advisors employs senior consultants who are veterans in the industries they serve. To learn more about how we can help you make your organization everything that it can be, Contact Us.

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