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Lean Advisors offers full service Lean Improvement, Continuous Improvement Consulting and Training services.  We have been helping companies make sustainable performance improvements for decades.  Our consultants are experienced hands-on Senior Lean experts/practitioners with extensive experience assessing and applying Lean in diverse business sectors: Lean Healthcare, Lean Finance, Lean Education, Lean Government Services, Lean Aerospace, and Lean Manufacturing, also in Food, Pharma and IT/Software.

Lean” is a philosophy of continuous improvement.  A lean organization focuses on increasing customer value, the elimination of wastes, and optimizing process operations.  The key components of lean can be adapted and applied to all types of businesses and processes.

Lean Advisors provides Lean training and consulting services for organizations starting their improvement process, as well as companies that are experienced but need help to achieve a higher level of success.

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Lean Transformation - 8 Days in 6 Weeks

This Healthcare organization, which recently went through a merger, completed a successful transformation using 8 days in 6 weeks. They dramatically improved their quality, cost, service and standardized the process. This transformation event has resulted in bringing the two cultures together, and staff are now supporting a common direction and strategy for moving forward.


Complete Remote/Virtual Training and Consulting
Plus Remote Workshops/Events Calendar

Lean Advisors now has all your Lean training and coaching options covered!

We have completed our transformation of all our on-site Lean training/consulting programs and now offer effective remote/virtual training/consulting through our Zoom or WebEx services (or through the client's preferred tool) plus Remote/Virtual Workshops.  In addition, the client can enhance the above training and consulting by enrolling their staff in our interactive Online Lean Certification programs which has been utilized successfully by hundreds of our clients to increase the critical learning throughout their organizations.

Click links above for more details and contact us at [email protected] or 1.800.583.0853.


Prepare for Post Virus New World

These are very difficult times for organizations and their families.  Many businesses will be negatively impacted by this Covid-19 virus and will struggle to survive.  And if they survive this crisis, then they will be challenged with a whole ‘new’ world of higher customer expectations.

So, let’s be proactive and not reactive!  Let’s take this time when staff are working from home to gain the critical knowledge they will need to be prepared, and support your efforts when the crisis is over.

Lean Advisors has a full interactive Online Yellow Belt Lean Program already used effectively by hundreds of companies, big and small, both manufacturing and service type, around North America.  The learning/knowledge from these Online programs has trained staff on how to adapt and apply Lean to become more flexible, and be able to make them more competitive and successful.

This virus will be beat!  It will change the world but you can be ready for the post viral economic demands and expectations of your customers.

Please stay safe!

News & Events

Lean Advisors and Healthcare Impact - Mayo Clinic

Lean and Healthcare – Powerful Combination - It WORKS - It is a remedy for healthcare organizations still struggling to do more with what they have and do it better, faster and less cost. Watch Video »

Healthcare - How Much Money Will It Take to Repair?

Giving out large amounts of money to any large complex organizations without a solid business case seems reckless. Especially since this has been tried many times over the years and has proven to be unsuccessful in meeting expectations.… Read more »

Lean and Technology - Powerful Combination

Investing in technology, or new equipment, are options every business needs to investigate. They need to determine if the investment will take them to the next level of efficiency, success, and growth. But prior to investing in the new technology, the leadership needs to first understand the impact the investment will have on their bottom-line, and does it support/enhance the end-to-end process.… Read more »

Behaviour Driven by Rewards

Some recent articles hitting the news indicating there are quality and safety concerns with a major aircraft manufacturer. The good news is the concerns have motivated the industry to take a serious look at 'why' this is happening with the goal of fixing the problems.

One of the immediate potential root causes of current issues is the compensation model the company is using for their staff - both leadership and front line… Read more »

Small Business Results Quote

“The support of St. Lawrence College, and the expertise of Lean Advisors, has transformed our company from a surviving business, to a thriving business.  Our staff are engaged and now have an elevated sense of pride in their work.  All of us are focused on providing ‘value’ to our customers and removing waste in all our processes leading to less cost, higher quality and service.  We have been recognized in the community as a leader and recently won ‘Business of the Year’ award.  We appreciate the efforts of both St. Lawrence College and Lean Advisors and look forward to working with them as we continually take our business to the next level.  From all of us, THANKS.”
Steve Bernard, President/Owner – Auto Service Kingston Inc.

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