
Lean and Technology – Powerful Combination

Making an investment today that you will likely have for decades requires an understanding of your future needs. You can’t do this without at least understanding what the future state of your processes are to meet your ever-changing customer demands. … Read more »

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More Money Will Fix Everything – Really?

A recurring solution these days, it seems every organization feels they need more money, and more money will solve all their problems… Read more »

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Lean Successfully Tackles Home Health Care Business

Lean Advisors were brought in to do an assessment, select a team, then start with baseline training. We determined immediately that the Value Stream Mapping of the various processes would be the starting point… Read more »

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Doing More With What You Have

Our clients will now be able draw on an expanded group of senior experts and resources to meet and surpass their needs and expectations. We will continue to positively transform public and private organizations, large and small, using Lean methodologies and concepts. Read more »

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History repeats itself – 2022 is 2004 all over again!

The attached news clip, ‘Money will fix everything – Healthcare!’, was filmed in 2004… Read more »

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Big News – Lean Advisors is Expanding!

Our clients will now be able draw on an expanded group of senior experts and resources to meet and surpass their needs and expectations. We will continue to positively transform public and private organizations, large and small, using Lean methodologies and concepts. Read more »

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Lean Successfully Tackles Home Health Care Business

We were brought in to do an assessment, select a team, then start with baseline training. We determined immediately that the Value Stream Mapping of the various processes would be the starting point… Read more »

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Small Organizations / Businesses and County Governments – Lean Is the Key to Success!

The past belief has been that Lean only works for manufacturers and large organizations. And this statement is not totally accurate. Lean, as we have proven, works just as well, or better, for smaller organizations/businesses and in local county Governments and agencies. Read more »

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Small Automotive Parts Supplier Competes with the Big Boys

Results recently attained by a small automotive parts manufacturer that is competing with larger North American suppliers. Read more »

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A Lean Approach – Supply Chain Management

Larry Cote looks at the importance of lean and why it’s significant when dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
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